10 May 2015

My English competence in 2015

Reading my posts from this year, the one that I think it's my best is: http://crazymindedteen.blogspot.com.es/2015/02/teenage-routine.html
I have chosen this one because it's really personal and when I write something about what I really like it's easier to write. There are other posts where I wrote about something personal but this one really define me.
Listening my pod casts from this year, the one I prefer is: http://crazymindedteen.blogspot.com.es/2015/02/podcast.html
In the precedent post I said that my pronunciation has improved a lot so it's quite normal that my last pod cast is the one I prefer. The topic of this pod cast was one we did in class, so the topic isn't why I chose it. I think my pronunciation in this one is better than the others that's why.


This is it, after two years of doing this blog for the English class, I'm done!
Actually, I have enjoyed doing this blog because it had helped me a lot to improve my English. Comparing my first composition with the last one I think I have improved. I can't say that I have improved a lot because I think that a the beginning of the year I already had a good level. Of course reading the posts from last year or the ones from the beginning of this year I can see a difference.
About the oral presentations, I improved more with the oral presentations than I did with the writings. Obviously I don't have a perfect pronunciation but it's better than the one from the beginning of the year. 

Formal letter to UNICEF

UNICEF Association
London, England
15th January 2015

UNICEF Association
New York, USA

Dear Mr. Lake

I am writing this letter to you to ask you if you could send more help to the English groups of UNICEF to Zimbabwe. We have some groups deployed there but they need more help and we can not send people there because they already are in others countries trying to help with the starvation. I wish I had not to ask for help but we really need more people. We do not know what to do any more, we have already done more collect journeys to collect money to buy and send medicine. Thanks to those journeys some people decided to be benevolent and go there to help, but unfortunately there are not enough. 

I am looking forward to your answer.

Yours faithfully,
Claire Stylinson. 

8 May 2015


Next 29th May I'm going to AC/DC's concert in Barcelona. You could think that I'm just okay, but I'm not. I'm totally freaking out! AC/DC! I repeat, AC/DC! I'm going to see one of the best Rock and Roll groups of all the time in concert! I'm dying inside.
My dad was the one who showed me all the Rock and Roll groups, a lot of them are those that he listened to when he was young like AC/DC, Rolling Stones, Queen,etc. So when I saw that AC/DC was going to do a concert in Barcelona I knew I has to go. My dad was okay with going, he never saw them in concert. The tickets were quite expensive but it's worth it, you never know when you'll have this opportunity again, and the group isn't really young, maybe they won't do another tour, who knows. We are going to the concert with a friend and some friends of our friend. We will go to Barcelona early in the morning so we will spend the day outside the place where the concert is and try to have good places for the concert. The concert start at 22 pm and it will end late so we decided that we will spend the night at a hotel in Barcelona.
I only can think about the fun I will have. Some people, of course people that don't like AC/DC, think that it's stupid to go because this group is old and nobody likes this kind of music. But me being me and loving this group and others I just can't wait. I can't even believe it. This group is one of the best and the members are legends! I'm just so excited!

Funfair, festival and friends

Last weekend was a "big" weekend, on Thursday and Friday we didn't have school, so we had a four-day weekend. That was great because I was able to relax a lot, more than I actually do. I didn't spend four days in bed or on the couch though, only three. 
On Thursday I went to the mall in Girona with my best friend, we spent the day there until five in the afternoon. When we came back at home we got ready to go to the festival (we call it "barraques" here) in Figueres. We went to the festival at 11 pm with another friend of us. We went to some attractions at the funfair (the funfair and the festival were near to each other) and then we met with my boyfriend and his friends there. The night was really nice, it wasn't too cold and it was really fun. We had some drinks so everyone was laughing and having a good time. We found some of our classmates there, they were quite drunk too like us.
We  decided to go back at home at four in the morning, we said goodbye to each other because that night I went to sleep at my boyfriend's house. We woke up quite early considering we went to sleep late. We literally spent the day sleeping. I went back at home on Friday evening. 
Saturday mornin I cleaned my room like every Saturday morning and then did nothing for the whole afternoon. On Sunday I spent the day in my room doing nothing productive, just sitting in my bed with my computer and phone. On Sunday afternoon my parents and sister went to the funfair with some friends so I had the house for myself. It was relaxing, because there was no noise. And of course it was still too short because next day it was Monday and nobody wants to go back at school.

Summer Vibes

This is it, summer is coming! Good weather is already here, swimming pools and gardens are being cleaned and... school is ending!
This year wasn't a good year for me at school and I'm going to repeat my last year but that's not a problem, I'm not sad, angry or anything. But I'm so happy that summer is almost here.
This summer I'm not working, my father always works and some summers my mom works too and this summer she works, so I'll stay at home and help cleaing the house more than I already do and my parents will give me more money. The good things about not working is that I will have a lot more free time and I already know what I'm going to do. The boring thing I'm going to do is the TDR, but I don't think I'm going to stress a lot beacuse I like the topic ("The Hippie movement"). So this summer I'm going to spend time with my friends, train as much as I can, try and improve my skateboarding skills and, that's something I talked with my parents and something I really want, I'll buy a guitar and learn how to play it. Of course I will enjoy my swimming pool.
The not so good thing is that next year I won't have much money as I had this year , I'll survive though.
So yeah, these are my plans for this summer.

10 March 2015

Dance the whole night!

In one image he was dancing enthusiastically and in the other he was bowing head, ashamed, after the bullies laughed at him "spotted this specimen trying to dance the other week". Those pictures were spotted by Cassandra Fairbanks, from California, on 4chan. She then tweeted them on Thursday, asking help to identify the man, "Anyone know this man or who posted this? There's a huge group of ladies in LA who would like to do something special". On Friday, he was successfully identified as Sean from London and he has been sent VIP invite to dance party in LA. In a later tweet, Ms. Fairbanks said of her group of 1727 women: "We would like to fly him to LA for a VIP dance party with the coolest and most awesome ladies in LA, please help...".Musical superstars like Pharrell Williams, Moby and Andrew W.K have all lent their support to the Londoner now know as Dancing Man. Pharrel asked Cassandra to keep him informed about the party and tweeted to Sean: "Never be ashamed of yourself". He says he'll pay the party. The same warm sentiment was offered by Moby (Richard Melville Hall) who offered his DJ services for free.

No one should ever be ashamed of what they are and how they are. This man is not a professional dancer, neither are the guys that posted the pictures and that horrible comment, the ones that laughed at him because he was dancing and enjoying the concert he was at. No one is perfect, everybody, everyone of us, have our defaults, we shouldn't be ashamed of them, especially when this man, Sean, was just dancing! It's seems that people still don't understand that words hurt, sometimes more than physical pain. Bullying is a huge problem now a days, a lot more now with all the social networks. A lot of people kill themselves because they're being bullied, mocked and insulted, and why? because they are themselves, because of their bodies, because of their religion or their sexuality and, the one that I'll never understand, because the ones who do it consider themselves "normal" but nobody is "normal". What's "normal" in the first place? Everyone is different!
What Cassandra Fairbanks did is really kind, there should be more people like her. All of this have a happy ending thanks to her and all the people that helped her. Sean shouldn't be ashamed of how he dances, nobody should be because the ones that make others feel bad, they aren't worth it and they should be ashamed of doing this. 

6 March 2015

Expensive parties

Six fraternities of the University of Michigan celebrated a party at a ski resort which caused a bill damage of $500.000. At the beginning it was estimated $75.000 damage but after a full assessment of the 45 rooms and connecting hallway plus the loss of revenue and damage to the brand's reputation has seen the price multiply by six. Now, the fraternity that originally apologized, Sigma Alpha Mu, don't want to pay the bill, according to Batty Owens, general manager of Treetops in Gaylord.

Owens told MLive: "The destruction done to Treetops Resort by University of Michigan fraternity students in mid-January is now near or beyond $430.000."
While an investigation is ongoing, the university said that they expect the students who are responsible to pay the bill to the Treetops for the damages.
Owens also called on Sigma Delta Tau to contribute to the payment, which includes cleaning fees.

It turns out that members of other organizations from the Ann Arbor, Michigan school did a similar case at an another hotel the same weekend. The damage done to Boyne Highlands resort is also estimated to be worth tens of thousands. Since then the six fraternities implicated in the two parties have been suspended by their national organization while the university and police investigate the incidents.

Sigma Alpha Mu President, Joshua Kaplan said his members are embarrassed and ashamed of the behaviour of some members and that his fraternity accepts full responsibility and will be working with the management of the resort to pay for all damages and cleaning costs. "This behaviour is inconsistent with the values, policies and practices of this organization" said Kaplan. "We will work within our own organization and with university officials to hold those who are responsible accountable for their actions" he commented.

Suspension by their national organization means that the members of the fraternities involved may continue to live in their campuses house but can not participate in social activities, including parties or representing their organization at university functions.

What all those students did is really inappropriate and, excuse me for the language, really stupid. I agree that when you're at a party you just enjoy and if you have been drinking and are drunk you don't think in the consequences of your acts. But I don't know why and how people can break things, that aren't even theirs, during a party. I mean, when you are at a party you drink, dance, play and talk with people but you don't break things. Even more when you are in a public place, a hotel where you have to pay for  the rooms and the time you stay there, I would understand if maybe during the party something fragile breaks but the whole room, they even break the ceiling! I totally agree that the hotels want to receive money for the damages, it's normal. If I was the one judging that case I would make the fraternities pay, help at the reparations and they wouldn't be able to participate at any university activity.

3 March 2015

Social network: Twitter

Twitter had been created in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Biz Stone and Noah Glass. Twitter is a social network where you can send and read 140-character messages, these messages are visible by default but can be restricted. These messages are called "tweets" and you can retweet and favourite them. On Twitter you don't have "friends" you have followers. The fact of trending on Twitter is when a lot of users talk about a topic and to make it easier they use the "#" at the beginning of the word or sentence. The more popular trending topics are about celebrities, events, sports and world conflicts. There are accounts on Twitter that are verified, the fact of being verified validates the identity of the owner of the account, examples of verified accounts are celebrities accounts.

Do people have moral?

There is an Instagram account, called "The murder mall", that mocks eccentric and homeless people. The account publishes pictures of people at the Surry Hills Shopping Village in inner city Sydney accompanied by cruel captions. One of the worst thing is that almost 2000 people follow the account which makes fun at unfortunate people as overweight and homeless people, police officers and anyone being "comic" to the owner and contributors of the account.
When this article was published there were 270 posted pictures on the account and a lot of Instagram users commented their disgust to the account commenting pictures or tweeting about it on Twitter.
The account had been reported and deleted but if you put "#murdermall" on Instagram you can see that people still use the hashtag posting inappropriate pictures of unfortunate people.

I'm totally shocked about this account, it's just so disgusting how people can laugh at unfortunate people and the fact that the account had almost 2000 followers! How can people do that? Don't they have a moral? I think that's just another problem of the "internet generation", people hide behind their computers and phones screen an make fun of other people that they don't always know, like in this case, the majority of the time people who use internet and social networks to make fun and insult people are the ones who have some kind of problem in their life, above all teenagers and young adults. It's a good thing that the account had been deleted but the fact that people still use the hashtag makes me sick. Unfortunately, there is a lot more of this kind of account, not only on Instagram but also on Facebook and Twitter, but little by little peoples mind start to change and see that these accounts are not appropriate.

23 February 2015

Racist director of human rights charity

Last week a group of Chelsea supporters was involved in an allegedly racist incident on the Paris Metro, one of the men, Richard Barklie, 50 years old, from Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland was a former police officer and human rights activist.

Since the incident Mr. Barklie has been suspended by the Wave Trauma Centre in Belfast where he helped victims of the Northern Irish troubles. Mr. Barklie is one of the three men whose images were released by Scotland Yard as part of an investigation into a group of supporters who allegedly pushed a black man, Souleymane Sylla, off the train and singed a racist song in Paris, France.
The incident happened before of Chelsea’s Champions League clash with Paris Saint-Germain, which ended 1-1.

Mr.Barklie admitted through his lawyer his involvement in the incident that resulted in Souleymane Sylla being unable to enter part of the train. He said he had an account he wanted to provide to the police that would explain the “context and circumstances”.

Mr. Barklie denied singing any racist songs, he said he travelled to the game alone, he insisted he did not know any of the other individuals captured on the video of the incident and said he has never been part of any “group or faction” of Chelsea fans.

The Wave Trauma Centre said it had suspended a part-time worker pending further investigation into the Paris incident. “As this matter is subject an investigation by the Metropolitan Police it would not be appropriate to comments further at this stage” said a spokesman for the charity.

The three men had now been identified and the force was liaising with the French authorities, none of them have been arrested though. A police spokesman said the force cannot arrest people for offences which happen outside the UK but a number of people have now been spoken to in relation to the incident. Five people have so far been suspended from Chelsea’s Stamford Bridge ground following investigations into the incident. The club has reiterated its promise to ban for life anyone proved to have been involved in the altercation and is helping police in the UK and Paris. Jose Mourinho, Chelsea manager, said the club are “appalled” by the racial abuse, adding that owner Roman Abramovich is also “disgusted”.

Meanwhile, police are seeking a gang of men, believed to be Chelsea fans, who were heard shouting racist chants at London St. Pancras station on Wednesday evening.

15 February 2015

Talking with Noa

Last week in the English class we chatted via Skype with an ex-student from my high school. The reason of it is that she went to Australia, in Sydney, to be an au pair.
She explained us why she did it, her reasons to do it and why she picked Australia. Right now I'm still really really really jealous of her. Leave your town to go to AUSTRALIA to be an au pair and of course practise your English.
She explained us her daily routine, take the kids to school, then go to class, enjoy the beach, go to pick the kids at school, take care of them, which seems really cool to do. She said the family she was with was really nice. The negative thing was that Sydney is really expensive compared to others cities in Australia like Melbourne.
I think she is really lucky to be able to do that. I would love to be an au pair and travel to another country. I already did some research last summer about it and I will probably do it, I just have to wait until I'm 18. I would go to England first, London first and then I would do it again but in Birmingham, Manchester or Liverpool, or all of them. Then I would go to Ireland, in Dublin. I would go there first because of the weather, I like rainy and cloudy days ( I know, normally people prefer sunny and hot days, but not me), the lifestyle there is really different and of course because there are my favourite countries. Then I would go to Australia (the weather is really different compared to England and Ireland but I love Australia too much lol). 
Back to what Noa said, it was really nice from her to explain us her experience and she gave me more reasons to do it. It's an experience you only can do when you are young, so why would I miss it?

Worst dressed at the Grammy Awards

The Grammy Awards is the music's biggest night of the year, all the eyes were on the red carped at the Staples Centre in Los Angeles last 8th February for the 57th Grammy Awards.
All these kinds of events are perfect for designers to show their creations and the best of it, is that the creations are worn by celebrities. Unfortunately for some celebrities things don't go well. For example Madonna, Rihanna and Kaya Jones this year.

Madonna wore a disastrous Givenchy burlesque get-up, complete with corset, leather gloves, fishnet stockings and thigh-high boots. At one point she even turned from the cameras and lifted her skirt up flash her thong-clad derriere. (eww!) 

Rihanna didn't looked gross, she resembled a giant cupcake when she arrived in a frothy lurid pink Giambattista Vali creation.

The ex Pussycat Doll star, Kaya Jones, made sure she stood out with her ruffled black gown, which was hitched up to just below the knee, and the yards of fabric that trailed behind it.

These are just some example, there more celebrities who nobody knows how they could wore the dresses they were wearing. I think that celebrities could try and dress better and stop wearing what they wear to get attention. Madonna is now 56 years old, I don't think what she wore was really acceptable. Rihanna looked cute with that dress but I don't think it's glamorous enough for the event or another event, it doesn't have a good form or anything. And then, Kaya Jones, that dress is just ugly, there is too much froufrou on the skirt, there is too much details on the top and the tail... just ugly. 

3 February 2015

Not really innocent

Before to start reading I think you should watch the trailer of the film, it might help you to understand the article.

"I don't want my family to see it.": Dakota Johnson says hot scenes in Fifty Shades of Grey are "inappropriate" for her parents.

There are a lot of things we don't share with our parents, it's totally normal. For Dakota Johnson, on of those things is her hot scenes in the highly anticipated Fifty Shades of Grey. She confessed to Glamour magazine: " I don't want my family to see it, because it's inappropriate. Or my brother's friends that I grew up with. Also there's a part of me that's like, I don't want anyone to see this movie - just kidding."

Dakota's co-star, Jamie Dornan, as Christian Grey, also thinks that there are a few people that should perhaps give it a miss too. He admitted that he probably won't be too comfortable when his daughter, now one year old, will be older. "When my daughter's 18, I'm not going to be going, "You've gotta watch Daddy in Fifty Shades of Grey", but there will be greater things to protect her from than dad's ass on the big screen". He said joking.

In order to stay loyal to the story, Sam Taylor-Johnson, the director of the film, did extensive research into the world of BDSM. She recently revealed that she consulted a professional dominatrix for the film and she said she "learned a lot" from her.
She told The Independent: "The sex scenes are pretty intense, so I'm sure people are going to feel aroused - but I've seen them so many times that I tend to forget."

EL James, the author of the trilogy, has reportedly sold over 100 million  copies of the books in the whole world and it has been translated into more than 50 languages. The film is one of the most highly anticipated films of the year, with the trailer having already been watched a massive 45 million times on YouTube. The movie will be at the cinemas on Valentine's day in the majority of the world.

I would be lying if I said that I won't go to the cinema to watch it, but after reading stuff about it I even would go just to watch people's faces, to see how they react, above all men's faces, I'm sure it would be hilarious. 

2 February 2015

Teenage routine

In their blogs people usually talk about their passions, hobbies and all, well, me being me I don't really have a passion or a hobby. All I know is that I enjoy listening to music, read, write and do nothing. I don't know if listening to music can be considered a hobby but I know that a lot of people spend free time reading so that can be considered a hobby. (I found my hobby!).
When I listen to music normally I just lay in bed with my phone or computer on twitter or other social networks or I just look at the ceiling, thinking about everything. Also, the type of music I listen to depend in what mood I am, that's also why I write. I mean, depend in what mood I'm I listen to specific music and write. I also write when I think to much about something, above all something that happened that day at school or something between my parents and I. It my be quite confusing, well, us teenagers, aren't really easy to understand.
I spend a lot of time reading, every time I have free time, which is almost always, when I'm at home, when I'm bored and maybe sometimes in class too, not my fault if the lessons are boring... I have this app on my phone, Wattpad, where people can write a book/story and post it, that's maybe why I read a lot, you just have to choice a topic, and find a book that seems good and read it. And it's totally free.
Just before I said that when something happen I write, yes, like a journal if you want to put a name to that notebook even if I don't consider it a journal. Well, I also write on Wattpad, for the moment it's not really a big deal, it's just a story. Nobody have read it and I don't think someone will, I'm sure it's bad anyway. I just like to keep writing that story because I maybe, maybe not, describe a little my life, and also maybe one of the characters, Megan a 17-year-old girl, is based in me, so yeah...
I don't really go out with friends, above all now that I'm grounded, not because I don't enjoy being with them, it's just that I like being in my little world with my music and my books, I try to escape reality and I like it because it works. Some people even say that I'm lonely, but if lonely means to stay away from stupid people and enjoy doing simple things, then yes, I'm lonely.
I don't know what to say more, I don't do much. My life is just like the same day again and again. I go to school, then at home, I listen to music, read, write and sleep, and start again the next day. God, my life sounds so pathetic.

31 January 2015

Go and travel around the world

One of my biggest dreams is to travel around the world, to visit the five continents. When I say "travel" I mean take some clothes, other necessary things and my passport and just go. If I could I would do it right now, with the money I have I would go to a country here in Europe, find a cheap motel, find a job just to have some money to eat and pay the motel, it could be in a bar or something similar, and when I would have enough money I would change of country, and keep going. Of course I know it would be really difficult but the fact of travelling, meeting new people, learning about other cultures sounds so amazing. The idea of travelling is also to try and go to concerts all around the world and have fun. I already can't wait until I can do it! 
I know you are probably wondering what about studies? The fact is, I don't care. I just want to be able to travel and have fun wherever in the world. I had think about when I will have travelled in all the countries I wanted to, I would go back to London and stay there, I don't know where I would work but, again, I don't care, meanwhile I have enough money to live in a flat and eat it will be enough. For the moment I say London because is my "city dream" but maybe after I will change my mind and stay in another country. Well, of course all of this is a dream, but I promise myself to achieve it one day. For the moment my parents want me to graduate from school and find something to study to have a good job and all, what all parents want for their children, but I don't know what to study. Travelling it's the only thing in my mind right now, that's why I can't wait until I'm 18, even if my parents won't approve it either. Everyone would think that all I want is waste my life, well, maybe it's what I want but I prefer to call it "having fun while I can", like they say, "life is too short", so I prefer imagining a fun life than a boring one.

29 January 2015

My Christmas and New Year

As every year for Christmas I went with my parents and sister to France, near to Bordeaux where my uncle, aunt and cousins live. They are from my dad's family, my dad and uncle are brothers. We stayed there five days, too long for me. We arrived on the 24th in the afternoon to be there for Christmas' Eve. My aunt works in a shop so she had to work, not Christmas day of course, so I didn't see her a lot, which is not a problem. I don't really appreciate my uncle and cousins so it was nice that my cousin's girlfriend was there, she's really nice. Those five days were so boring that it was nice to come back, i couldn't wait for New Year.

For New Year's Eve my parents, sister and I went to dinner with our friends, we were 18 in total. It was really funny. After dinner I went with a friend, her boyfriend and, now, my boyfriend to a party. We went to a lounge bar in town, we had a lot of fun. I arrived at home at 4:30am a little tired and maybe a little drunk too. In the morning I woke up at 10:30am totally exhausted but not hungover at all, lucky me! and I spent my day watching movies in bed. 

18 November 2014

It's all about me

If you take away appearance and intelligence you have the real personality of someone.
I'm going to talk about me, since I don't know anyone well enough to talk about their personality.
To start with something I'm going to talk about the bad things of my personality. First of all I'm really, really stubborn, I can argue about something stupid just because I want to be right. I don't consider myself a rude person but I know that the majority of the time I am because I'm almost always annoyed by annoying people and since I don't really like to be around people I know I'm almost always ignoring everyone, I know it's weird, normally people don't like to be with people they don't know. But I prefer the fact of being alone and not with people.
It's strange, well I am quite strange, because everybody who doesn't know me thinks I'm friendly, and I am, it's just that if I don't like you I will show you that, but if I really like you I could talk to you with the biggest smile. 
One day I saw a picture and it made me laugh because I thought that it represented me really well, it said: "If you're a nice to me, I'll be nice to you. But, if you are a b*tch to me, I'll be your worst nightmare".
I always give a chance to everyone, I'm not going to hate or ignore you if you didn't do anything to me, unless you did something to one of my best friends, so I am loyal to my friends. I don't know what else to say, I normally stay quiet about my feelings so I always prefer to stay away from people.
In conclusion, I don't judge a book by its cover, so why would you? If you try to know me you could see I'm not that bad actually.

11 November 2014

Opinion essay: Does humour play an important role in life?

Can you live without humour? or maybe, can you live without feelings? I don't think so.

we always have something in our minds, thinking of something and those things influence our humour.
I think that's why humour is important in life, because we are always thinking of something that makes us feel something.
Someday you can be happy or sad or angry or frightened but the majority of times something will happen that day and will make you change your humour, without knowing, suddenly you will feel different, it also can be someone special to you.
All I have written by now is based in me, because that's how I see it and what usually happens to me. Humour always changes and of course everybody prefers to be in a good mood than sad or stressed. everybody prefers to spend good moments with peopple who they love laughing and creating good memories.
A bad thing of humour, in my opinion, is that sometimes, almost always, you don't have the same humour as other people and that can be annoying.

In conclusion, I prefer to take the days how the come, I mean, if one day I'm in a good mood I will enjoy the day and if I'm not I will spend the day thinking about what can ÇI do to feel better.

29 September 2014

5 words about summer 2014

Work,swimming pool, family, concert and France are the five words for I chose to describe my summer.

This year during the summer holidays I didn't relax a lot like people usually do, I worked. I worked in a soap shop near to the beach, it was quite interesting because I learned things about soap and natural products. The contact with people was really nice, I talked and learned a lot about other countries. Unfortunately I hadn't a lot of time to relax so when I was at home I went to the swimming pool all the time I could.
Like every year my father's brother, my uncle, came for two weeks with my aunt, my cousins and my cousin's girlfriend. But I was working, it wasn't a big problem for me to not see them though.
At the beginning of summer I went to my favourite band's concert, One Direction, with two friends. It was incredible because just the fact to saw them and the concert was amazing. But that's not all, 5 Seconds of Summer was their support band, a group that I really like them too, and I saw them at the concert, of course, but I also had the chance to see them from one metre away at a signing. I couldn't get my CD signed unfortunately but I was so close of them and one of them saw us, my friend and I, and smiled to us. I still can't believe it, it was the best day ever.
After I finished working, my first free weekend I went to France, near to Marseille, to visit my aunt. We spend four days there, it was really nice to see my aunt and to visit Marseille and others little towns like Cassis or La Ciotat.

8 June 2014

5 Seconds of Summer

So, this is the last "your-say" of the year and I don't know about what to write so I'm going to write about music, again, and specially about my second favourite group, 5 Seconds of Summer.
How I wrote in other posts, 5SOS is an Australian group formed by four boys, Ashton Irwin, Michael Clifford, Calum Hood and Luke Hemmings.
(Ashton Irwin, Calum Hood, Luke Hemmings and Michael Clifford)
Michael, Calum and Luke went to school together and Luke used to post covers in YouTube when they decided to create the group. They started to make covers together until they thought they lacked a drummer, so Michael introduced Ashton to the boys. They keep posting covers in YouTube and they also started to sing in bars in Sydney. With their covers their followers in twitter grew and that drew attention of Sony BMG Music Entertainment with who the boys signed a contract and released their first song "Gotta get out".
By the end of 2012, two members of the famous boy band One Direction, Louis Tomlinson and Niall Horan, saw some of their videos and liked them, post on their twitters the links of "Gotta get out" and "Out of my limit". Thanks to this find, the managers of the boy band contracted them for being the support group in some places of the Take Me Home Tour, such as Australia.
Since the end of the Take Me Home Tour until now, the boys made three EPs "Somewhere New" "She looks so perfect" and "Don't stop" and in less than one month their first album will be released. Also, they are supporting One Direction in their third tour, the Where We Are Tour, and this time they will come in Europe! 

Plans for summer!

This summer I'm supposed to work but for the moment I haven't find a job, I'm still waiting. If I don't find a job I'm going to work for a friend as a babysitter for two weeks, it's not really a job but better this that nothing! I also have the possibility to work with my father in the fields, but I'm not really excited about this.
My father works so we won't go in holidays but ,maybe, we will go in holidays the ten last days before school. We don't know where yet, but I'm trying to convince them to go to Amsterdam or Dublin, that would be great. However, in August my uncle, my aunt and my cousin will come, like every summer. But, I don't give much importance because I'm not very close with them, last two summers my cousin came for one month but, if I work this summer she just will come for two weeks, so I hope I will work! 
On the other hand, I hope this summer will be better than the others, I will meet with my friends, spend good times with them, chill next to the swimming pool and at the beach and go to parties, I have good vibes for this summer.

2 June 2014

Weekend in Provence

I spend last weekend in France with my parents and my sister. We went in Provence, in the South of France, where we lived when I was little. We went because my father had a meeting with his bosses and for visit some friends that we hadn't seen for a while.
We left home Friday afternoon and we arrived in Crillon le Brave, where our friends live, three hours later. 
Saturday morning my father went to his meeting and my mother, my sister, a friend and I went to shopping in Carpentras, a city near to Crillon le Brave, where my sister was born. In the afternoon we stay at home until 06:00 pm when we went to visit another friend who work in the same company that my parents. When we came back at our friends home their daughter where there with her son and a friend of me, my childhood best friend. It's always nice to see friends that you don't use to see, even more when it's one of your best friends that you haven't seen since three years ago.
Sunday morning we went in Bedoin, a town near to Crillon le Brave too. We went for buy some stuff that we can't find in Spain, especially drinks and some food. When we were walking in the town we met some people who my father worked with. They were surprised to saw us and especially how much I had grew, for some of them, the last time they saw me I was five years old and my sister hadn't born yet. Later, when we were at our friends home, their other daughter came for lunch. Unfortunately all the good things have a end. At 07:30 pm we were back home, in Spain.
I really enjoyed this weekend. I spent good times when I was little there and I still spending good times when I go there. If I could go more often, I would.

29 May 2014

They were just smoking

Some of One Direction's fans destroy their concert tickets.

Some "Directioners" destroy their tickets after a video emerged showing Louis Tomlinson, 22, and Zayn Malik, 21, smoking a "joint" when they were in Peru.

  • Some fans have demanded an apology from the two members for their action because they are "role models with a young fan base". And others have said they "still love" the band.

Behind the camera we can hear Louis Tomlinson saying: "So here we are, leaving Peru. Joint lit. Happy days!". This was in Lima on April 27, where the band performed.
They were not alone, they were with three members of their team travelling, joking. The other three members of the band, Liam Payne, Harry Styles and Niall Horan, all 20, were not with them.
Most of the time Louis focuses on Zayn who sits beside him. While joking, Louis asked: "How is it Zayn'" then, Zayn replies: "Nice". It is not clear what is meant by "chicken" but the boys joke and laugh with members of the band's team about it. Louis asked: "Are we all right for chicken?" and one of the men said: "We got a full chicken". Later, we can hear: "I've got an update. We got a chicken in Chile." Zayn and Louis started to repeat over and over in a funny way: "We got Chile Chicken. Chile Chicken baby!".
The video could damage the plans of Simon Cowell, with the two members caught, it's possible they will be banned from entering the USA, where they will perform next summer.
Now the band is in the UK, in Sunderland, where they are going to play in the Stadium of Light this evening before touring the UK and Europe.
According to Peruvian law, possession of Marijuana is not punished if it's used for personal and immediate consummation, not exceeding eight grams. A spokesman for One Direction told to The Mail on line: "The matter is now in the hands of our lawyers".

In my opinion, I don't really give importance to this. They smoked marijuana, and? They're not the only ones. Okay, they are famous and a lot of their fans are young, but they didn't choose their fans, fans like them for their music and their personality. It's not because they smoked marijuana one time that fans have to hate them, and if they do, Zayn and Louis are not the only members of One Direction, what about Liam, Niall and Harry? I understand if you're disappointed by Zayn and Louis but it doesn't mean you have to hate them and the entire band. A lot of groups smoked marijuana and consumed drugs during their life, and a lot of them died because of this, but it's not because they smoke a joint once that they will die. I also understand that this "bad boy" attitude is not how you know the boys from One Direction, but you have to understand that they are growing up, they are all adults, they know what they have to do and they are conscious. So, how you can see I'm a Directioner and I don't hate them, I'm not even disappointed. I'll keep supporting them and I'll never, NEVER, destroy my concert ticket.

22 May 2014

A hero of 4 years old

Girl of two years old was saved from drowning by hero brother of four years old.
  • Amelia Isherwood was found floating in their grandparents garden fish pond in Manchester by her brother, Jamie.

Jamie Isherwood has been hailed a "hero" after saving his little sister from drowning. He screamed for help when he found his little sister, Amelia. The family was enjoying a barbecue when the accident happened.

She said: ‘We had locked the patio door but left the side gate unsecured when I took the dog for a walk with my mum and Amelia must have wandered into the back garden. We had just arrived back when I heard Jamie screaming hysterically. I followed him and saw Amelia submerged and lying face-up. I was screaming but pulled her out, bent her over and gave her a good hit on the back and she coughed. She had swallowed loads of water.’

Mother Natalie Cope (right), 25, has hailed her four-year-old son Jamie (left) a hero after he found sister Amelia, 2, (front) floating in a 5ft deep pondMs. Cope's father and her sister-in-law, Suzanne Churnside, helped resuscitate the little girl and a neighbor with nursing experience took over until paramedics arrived. She was taken to Royal Bolton Hospital, Greater Manchester. She was well enough to return home on Monday afternoon.
Ms.Cope described her son as "a real hero" for alerting the family to his sister's problem.
She said: ‘He knew something wasn’t right. He was a real hero. We call Jamie ‘miracle’ because he was born three months premature, spent four months in hospital and contracted meningitis at five months.
‘Now he calls himself “miracle hero” and I suppose I really do have two little miracles. It just shows you have to have eyes in the back of your head when children are playing and this might serve as a warning. Fortunately it didn’t end in tragedy."

18 May 2014

My experience of 1st Batxillerat

This year I started 1st batxillerat in the same high school I was last four years. I knew that it would be hard but not so hard. I'm a bit lazy, and I know it, but I do homework and I study but it's still hard. I really don't know what I can do to make it easier, I could study more but if I study more I won't have free time, in my free time I like to go to the gym or go online, if I can't go to the gym I'm stressed and after I can't be concentrated. I think teachers don't help us enough and that they make their lessons harder than they should be or possibly do not explain everything enough. I don't say this for all the teachers but some of them do it.

I had some problems  this year and I think these problems distracted me a lot, because I felt sad and depressed and I didn't want to see anyone or talk with people. However, now I feel better but school is still hard. I really hope that I'll past and start 2nd batxillerat next year but if  I have to repeat, I will, it's not cool but it's not a problem, the problems are, that my father doesn't like the idea of me repeating and I don't want to stay one more year in the same high school.

In few weeks, exams are going to start, we will see what the future will bring.

26 April 2014

Where We Are Tour

The "Where We Are Tour" is the new world tour of One Direction, the British-Irish boy band. The tour start on the 25th of April 2014 in Bogota, Colombia and will finish on the 5th of October 2014.  The boys, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik, Harry Styles, Niall Horan and Louis Tomlinson will meet there because now, some of them are actually there but the others are in Los Angeles or in England.
They will perform in South America, North America and Europe. For the moment they won't go to Japan and Oceania (Australia and New Zealand) but maybe they will add some dates there.
I'm going to go to their show in Barcelona next 8th of July with two friends. I'm super excited because it will be the first time that I will see them and I'm also really excited because one of the support band is 5SOS (5 Seconds Of Summer). It's another band of four boys from Australia that I also love.
The album they will sing will be "Midnight Memories", the last album they recorded and was released on the 25th of November 2013. They will also sing other songs from the two other albums, "Up All Night" and "Take Me Home".
It will be the experience of a life time for me.

28 March 2014

My London trip

Last Thursday I went in London with the school for four days. It was incredible. I really loved and enjoyed it.
On Thursday, at 02:00 am, we went to Barcelona to take a plane. We arrived in London at 12:00 pm. We took a bus to go to the hostel. After we arrived at the hostel we went to see Big Ben, for that we took the underground. I was the first time I took the underground, it was quite funny. In the same afternoon we saw where David Cameron, Prime Minister, lives. We also crossed Trafalgar Square to go to the British Museum. After the Museum, we went to Picadilly Circus.
On Friday, we first went to the Shakespeare Museum, The Globe theatre, then, we went to the business centre, we ate something there and after we went to see Tower Bridge. After we went again to Picadilly Circus.
On Saturday, we went to Camden Town. In the afternoon we went to the Natural History Museum and to the Science Museum. Then, we went, again, to Picadilly Circus, because at night we had to go to a musical, called "Once", a love story set in Ireland.
On Sunday, we could choose where to go. Some people went to Picadilly Circus, others to Covent Garden and others to Buckingham Palace. I went to Buckingham Palace and I really loved it. It could be my future house! Buckingham Palace and the park in front are huge, incredible.
Unfortunately everything has an end. At 14:00 pm we went to the airport to come back home. At 23:00 pm we were back.
However, it was a perfect weekend!