10 May 2015

Formal letter to UNICEF

UNICEF Association
London, England
15th January 2015

UNICEF Association
New York, USA

Dear Mr. Lake

I am writing this letter to you to ask you if you could send more help to the English groups of UNICEF to Zimbabwe. We have some groups deployed there but they need more help and we can not send people there because they already are in others countries trying to help with the starvation. I wish I had not to ask for help but we really need more people. We do not know what to do any more, we have already done more collect journeys to collect money to buy and send medicine. Thanks to those journeys some people decided to be benevolent and go there to help, but unfortunately there are not enough. 

I am looking forward to your answer.

Yours faithfully,
Claire Stylinson. 

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