22 May 2014

A hero of 4 years old

Girl of two years old was saved from drowning by hero brother of four years old.
  • Amelia Isherwood was found floating in their grandparents garden fish pond in Manchester by her brother, Jamie.

Jamie Isherwood has been hailed a "hero" after saving his little sister from drowning. He screamed for help when he found his little sister, Amelia. The family was enjoying a barbecue when the accident happened.

She said: ‘We had locked the patio door but left the side gate unsecured when I took the dog for a walk with my mum and Amelia must have wandered into the back garden. We had just arrived back when I heard Jamie screaming hysterically. I followed him and saw Amelia submerged and lying face-up. I was screaming but pulled her out, bent her over and gave her a good hit on the back and she coughed. She had swallowed loads of water.’

Mother Natalie Cope (right), 25, has hailed her four-year-old son Jamie (left) a hero after he found sister Amelia, 2, (front) floating in a 5ft deep pondMs. Cope's father and her sister-in-law, Suzanne Churnside, helped resuscitate the little girl and a neighbor with nursing experience took over until paramedics arrived. She was taken to Royal Bolton Hospital, Greater Manchester. She was well enough to return home on Monday afternoon.
Ms.Cope described her son as "a real hero" for alerting the family to his sister's problem.
She said: ‘He knew something wasn’t right. He was a real hero. We call Jamie ‘miracle’ because he was born three months premature, spent four months in hospital and contracted meningitis at five months.
‘Now he calls himself “miracle hero” and I suppose I really do have two little miracles. It just shows you have to have eyes in the back of your head when children are playing and this might serve as a warning. Fortunately it didn’t end in tragedy."

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