15 February 2015

Talking with Noa

Last week in the English class we chatted via Skype with an ex-student from my high school. The reason of it is that she went to Australia, in Sydney, to be an au pair.
She explained us why she did it, her reasons to do it and why she picked Australia. Right now I'm still really really really jealous of her. Leave your town to go to AUSTRALIA to be an au pair and of course practise your English.
She explained us her daily routine, take the kids to school, then go to class, enjoy the beach, go to pick the kids at school, take care of them, which seems really cool to do. She said the family she was with was really nice. The negative thing was that Sydney is really expensive compared to others cities in Australia like Melbourne.
I think she is really lucky to be able to do that. I would love to be an au pair and travel to another country. I already did some research last summer about it and I will probably do it, I just have to wait until I'm 18. I would go to England first, London first and then I would do it again but in Birmingham, Manchester or Liverpool, or all of them. Then I would go to Ireland, in Dublin. I would go there first because of the weather, I like rainy and cloudy days ( I know, normally people prefer sunny and hot days, but not me), the lifestyle there is really different and of course because there are my favourite countries. Then I would go to Australia (the weather is really different compared to England and Ireland but I love Australia too much lol). 
Back to what Noa said, it was really nice from her to explain us her experience and she gave me more reasons to do it. It's an experience you only can do when you are young, so why would I miss it?

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