18 November 2014

It's all about me

If you take away appearance and intelligence you have the real personality of someone.
I'm going to talk about me, since I don't know anyone well enough to talk about their personality.
To start with something I'm going to talk about the bad things of my personality. First of all I'm really, really stubborn, I can argue about something stupid just because I want to be right. I don't consider myself a rude person but I know that the majority of the time I am because I'm almost always annoyed by annoying people and since I don't really like to be around people I know I'm almost always ignoring everyone, I know it's weird, normally people don't like to be with people they don't know. But I prefer the fact of being alone and not with people.
It's strange, well I am quite strange, because everybody who doesn't know me thinks I'm friendly, and I am, it's just that if I don't like you I will show you that, but if I really like you I could talk to you with the biggest smile. 
One day I saw a picture and it made me laugh because I thought that it represented me really well, it said: "If you're a nice to me, I'll be nice to you. But, if you are a b*tch to me, I'll be your worst nightmare".
I always give a chance to everyone, I'm not going to hate or ignore you if you didn't do anything to me, unless you did something to one of my best friends, so I am loyal to my friends. I don't know what else to say, I normally stay quiet about my feelings so I always prefer to stay away from people.
In conclusion, I don't judge a book by its cover, so why would you? If you try to know me you could see I'm not that bad actually.

11 November 2014

Opinion essay: Does humour play an important role in life?

Can you live without humour? or maybe, can you live without feelings? I don't think so.

we always have something in our minds, thinking of something and those things influence our humour.
I think that's why humour is important in life, because we are always thinking of something that makes us feel something.
Someday you can be happy or sad or angry or frightened but the majority of times something will happen that day and will make you change your humour, without knowing, suddenly you will feel different, it also can be someone special to you.
All I have written by now is based in me, because that's how I see it and what usually happens to me. Humour always changes and of course everybody prefers to be in a good mood than sad or stressed. everybody prefers to spend good moments with peopple who they love laughing and creating good memories.
A bad thing of humour, in my opinion, is that sometimes, almost always, you don't have the same humour as other people and that can be annoying.

In conclusion, I prefer to take the days how the come, I mean, if one day I'm in a good mood I will enjoy the day and if I'm not I will spend the day thinking about what can ÇI do to feel better.

29 September 2014

5 words about summer 2014

Work,swimming pool, family, concert and France are the five words for I chose to describe my summer.

This year during the summer holidays I didn't relax a lot like people usually do, I worked. I worked in a soap shop near to the beach, it was quite interesting because I learned things about soap and natural products. The contact with people was really nice, I talked and learned a lot about other countries. Unfortunately I hadn't a lot of time to relax so when I was at home I went to the swimming pool all the time I could.
Like every year my father's brother, my uncle, came for two weeks with my aunt, my cousins and my cousin's girlfriend. But I was working, it wasn't a big problem for me to not see them though.
At the beginning of summer I went to my favourite band's concert, One Direction, with two friends. It was incredible because just the fact to saw them and the concert was amazing. But that's not all, 5 Seconds of Summer was their support band, a group that I really like them too, and I saw them at the concert, of course, but I also had the chance to see them from one metre away at a signing. I couldn't get my CD signed unfortunately but I was so close of them and one of them saw us, my friend and I, and smiled to us. I still can't believe it, it was the best day ever.
After I finished working, my first free weekend I went to France, near to Marseille, to visit my aunt. We spend four days there, it was really nice to see my aunt and to visit Marseille and others little towns like Cassis or La Ciotat.

8 June 2014

5 Seconds of Summer

So, this is the last "your-say" of the year and I don't know about what to write so I'm going to write about music, again, and specially about my second favourite group, 5 Seconds of Summer.
How I wrote in other posts, 5SOS is an Australian group formed by four boys, Ashton Irwin, Michael Clifford, Calum Hood and Luke Hemmings.
(Ashton Irwin, Calum Hood, Luke Hemmings and Michael Clifford)
Michael, Calum and Luke went to school together and Luke used to post covers in YouTube when they decided to create the group. They started to make covers together until they thought they lacked a drummer, so Michael introduced Ashton to the boys. They keep posting covers in YouTube and they also started to sing in bars in Sydney. With their covers their followers in twitter grew and that drew attention of Sony BMG Music Entertainment with who the boys signed a contract and released their first song "Gotta get out".
By the end of 2012, two members of the famous boy band One Direction, Louis Tomlinson and Niall Horan, saw some of their videos and liked them, post on their twitters the links of "Gotta get out" and "Out of my limit". Thanks to this find, the managers of the boy band contracted them for being the support group in some places of the Take Me Home Tour, such as Australia.
Since the end of the Take Me Home Tour until now, the boys made three EPs "Somewhere New" "She looks so perfect" and "Don't stop" and in less than one month their first album will be released. Also, they are supporting One Direction in their third tour, the Where We Are Tour, and this time they will come in Europe! 

Plans for summer!

This summer I'm supposed to work but for the moment I haven't find a job, I'm still waiting. If I don't find a job I'm going to work for a friend as a babysitter for two weeks, it's not really a job but better this that nothing! I also have the possibility to work with my father in the fields, but I'm not really excited about this.
My father works so we won't go in holidays but ,maybe, we will go in holidays the ten last days before school. We don't know where yet, but I'm trying to convince them to go to Amsterdam or Dublin, that would be great. However, in August my uncle, my aunt and my cousin will come, like every summer. But, I don't give much importance because I'm not very close with them, last two summers my cousin came for one month but, if I work this summer she just will come for two weeks, so I hope I will work! 
On the other hand, I hope this summer will be better than the others, I will meet with my friends, spend good times with them, chill next to the swimming pool and at the beach and go to parties, I have good vibes for this summer.

2 June 2014

Weekend in Provence

I spend last weekend in France with my parents and my sister. We went in Provence, in the South of France, where we lived when I was little. We went because my father had a meeting with his bosses and for visit some friends that we hadn't seen for a while.
We left home Friday afternoon and we arrived in Crillon le Brave, where our friends live, three hours later. 
Saturday morning my father went to his meeting and my mother, my sister, a friend and I went to shopping in Carpentras, a city near to Crillon le Brave, where my sister was born. In the afternoon we stay at home until 06:00 pm when we went to visit another friend who work in the same company that my parents. When we came back at our friends home their daughter where there with her son and a friend of me, my childhood best friend. It's always nice to see friends that you don't use to see, even more when it's one of your best friends that you haven't seen since three years ago.
Sunday morning we went in Bedoin, a town near to Crillon le Brave too. We went for buy some stuff that we can't find in Spain, especially drinks and some food. When we were walking in the town we met some people who my father worked with. They were surprised to saw us and especially how much I had grew, for some of them, the last time they saw me I was five years old and my sister hadn't born yet. Later, when we were at our friends home, their other daughter came for lunch. Unfortunately all the good things have a end. At 07:30 pm we were back home, in Spain.
I really enjoyed this weekend. I spent good times when I was little there and I still spending good times when I go there. If I could go more often, I would.

29 May 2014

They were just smoking

Some of One Direction's fans destroy their concert tickets.

Some "Directioners" destroy their tickets after a video emerged showing Louis Tomlinson, 22, and Zayn Malik, 21, smoking a "joint" when they were in Peru.

  • Some fans have demanded an apology from the two members for their action because they are "role models with a young fan base". And others have said they "still love" the band.

Behind the camera we can hear Louis Tomlinson saying: "So here we are, leaving Peru. Joint lit. Happy days!". This was in Lima on April 27, where the band performed.
They were not alone, they were with three members of their team travelling, joking. The other three members of the band, Liam Payne, Harry Styles and Niall Horan, all 20, were not with them.
Most of the time Louis focuses on Zayn who sits beside him. While joking, Louis asked: "How is it Zayn'" then, Zayn replies: "Nice". It is not clear what is meant by "chicken" but the boys joke and laugh with members of the band's team about it. Louis asked: "Are we all right for chicken?" and one of the men said: "We got a full chicken". Later, we can hear: "I've got an update. We got a chicken in Chile." Zayn and Louis started to repeat over and over in a funny way: "We got Chile Chicken. Chile Chicken baby!".
The video could damage the plans of Simon Cowell, with the two members caught, it's possible they will be banned from entering the USA, where they will perform next summer.
Now the band is in the UK, in Sunderland, where they are going to play in the Stadium of Light this evening before touring the UK and Europe.
According to Peruvian law, possession of Marijuana is not punished if it's used for personal and immediate consummation, not exceeding eight grams. A spokesman for One Direction told to The Mail on line: "The matter is now in the hands of our lawyers".

In my opinion, I don't really give importance to this. They smoked marijuana, and? They're not the only ones. Okay, they are famous and a lot of their fans are young, but they didn't choose their fans, fans like them for their music and their personality. It's not because they smoked marijuana one time that fans have to hate them, and if they do, Zayn and Louis are not the only members of One Direction, what about Liam, Niall and Harry? I understand if you're disappointed by Zayn and Louis but it doesn't mean you have to hate them and the entire band. A lot of groups smoked marijuana and consumed drugs during their life, and a lot of them died because of this, but it's not because they smoke a joint once that they will die. I also understand that this "bad boy" attitude is not how you know the boys from One Direction, but you have to understand that they are growing up, they are all adults, they know what they have to do and they are conscious. So, how you can see I'm a Directioner and I don't hate them, I'm not even disappointed. I'll keep supporting them and I'll never, NEVER, destroy my concert ticket.

22 May 2014

A hero of 4 years old

Girl of two years old was saved from drowning by hero brother of four years old.
  • Amelia Isherwood was found floating in their grandparents garden fish pond in Manchester by her brother, Jamie.

Jamie Isherwood has been hailed a "hero" after saving his little sister from drowning. He screamed for help when he found his little sister, Amelia. The family was enjoying a barbecue when the accident happened.

She said: ‘We had locked the patio door but left the side gate unsecured when I took the dog for a walk with my mum and Amelia must have wandered into the back garden. We had just arrived back when I heard Jamie screaming hysterically. I followed him and saw Amelia submerged and lying face-up. I was screaming but pulled her out, bent her over and gave her a good hit on the back and she coughed. She had swallowed loads of water.’

Mother Natalie Cope (right), 25, has hailed her four-year-old son Jamie (left) a hero after he found sister Amelia, 2, (front) floating in a 5ft deep pondMs. Cope's father and her sister-in-law, Suzanne Churnside, helped resuscitate the little girl and a neighbor with nursing experience took over until paramedics arrived. She was taken to Royal Bolton Hospital, Greater Manchester. She was well enough to return home on Monday afternoon.
Ms.Cope described her son as "a real hero" for alerting the family to his sister's problem.
She said: ‘He knew something wasn’t right. He was a real hero. We call Jamie ‘miracle’ because he was born three months premature, spent four months in hospital and contracted meningitis at five months.
‘Now he calls himself “miracle hero” and I suppose I really do have two little miracles. It just shows you have to have eyes in the back of your head when children are playing and this might serve as a warning. Fortunately it didn’t end in tragedy."

18 May 2014

My experience of 1st Batxillerat

This year I started 1st batxillerat in the same high school I was last four years. I knew that it would be hard but not so hard. I'm a bit lazy, and I know it, but I do homework and I study but it's still hard. I really don't know what I can do to make it easier, I could study more but if I study more I won't have free time, in my free time I like to go to the gym or go online, if I can't go to the gym I'm stressed and after I can't be concentrated. I think teachers don't help us enough and that they make their lessons harder than they should be or possibly do not explain everything enough. I don't say this for all the teachers but some of them do it.

I had some problems  this year and I think these problems distracted me a lot, because I felt sad and depressed and I didn't want to see anyone or talk with people. However, now I feel better but school is still hard. I really hope that I'll past and start 2nd batxillerat next year but if  I have to repeat, I will, it's not cool but it's not a problem, the problems are, that my father doesn't like the idea of me repeating and I don't want to stay one more year in the same high school.

In few weeks, exams are going to start, we will see what the future will bring.

26 April 2014

Where We Are Tour

The "Where We Are Tour" is the new world tour of One Direction, the British-Irish boy band. The tour start on the 25th of April 2014 in Bogota, Colombia and will finish on the 5th of October 2014.  The boys, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik, Harry Styles, Niall Horan and Louis Tomlinson will meet there because now, some of them are actually there but the others are in Los Angeles or in England.
They will perform in South America, North America and Europe. For the moment they won't go to Japan and Oceania (Australia and New Zealand) but maybe they will add some dates there.
I'm going to go to their show in Barcelona next 8th of July with two friends. I'm super excited because it will be the first time that I will see them and I'm also really excited because one of the support band is 5SOS (5 Seconds Of Summer). It's another band of four boys from Australia that I also love.
The album they will sing will be "Midnight Memories", the last album they recorded and was released on the 25th of November 2013. They will also sing other songs from the two other albums, "Up All Night" and "Take Me Home".
It will be the experience of a life time for me.

28 March 2014

My London trip

Last Thursday I went in London with the school for four days. It was incredible. I really loved and enjoyed it.
On Thursday, at 02:00 am, we went to Barcelona to take a plane. We arrived in London at 12:00 pm. We took a bus to go to the hostel. After we arrived at the hostel we went to see Big Ben, for that we took the underground. I was the first time I took the underground, it was quite funny. In the same afternoon we saw where David Cameron, Prime Minister, lives. We also crossed Trafalgar Square to go to the British Museum. After the Museum, we went to Picadilly Circus.
On Friday, we first went to the Shakespeare Museum, The Globe theatre, then, we went to the business centre, we ate something there and after we went to see Tower Bridge. After we went again to Picadilly Circus.
On Saturday, we went to Camden Town. In the afternoon we went to the Natural History Museum and to the Science Museum. Then, we went, again, to Picadilly Circus, because at night we had to go to a musical, called "Once", a love story set in Ireland.
On Sunday, we could choose where to go. Some people went to Picadilly Circus, others to Covent Garden and others to Buckingham Palace. I went to Buckingham Palace and I really loved it. It could be my future house! Buckingham Palace and the park in front are huge, incredible.
Unfortunately everything has an end. At 14:00 pm we went to the airport to come back home. At 23:00 pm we were back.
However, it was a perfect weekend!

8 March 2014

Teenagers and alcohol

A lot of teenagers, 16-17 years-old, drink alcohol when they're in a party. I'm one of these teenagers. Last night it was carnival in my town and I had a really bad experience because of alcohol. Fortunately, my friend and I are fine, anything serious has happened. I think we did it because these last weeks we had a lot of exams and we were stressed and it was the first party night that we had since a lot. But we have learned about last night that we haven't to drink a lot if we are not with our parents or an adult who can keep an eye on us.
A lot of teenagers think that drink alcohol in a party it's cool or they think that it's the only method for have fun but it is not. If you are with people that you like, you can have a fun time without alcohol. Every year, a lot of teenagers die because of the alcohol. I also can say, and it's serious, that some people from school, who have the same age as me, are like alcoholic. They go to party every weekend and they always come back at home drunk. And, the most serious, is that parents of these people don't say anything. If my son/daughter come back at home drunk every weekend I will punish him/her. If he/she go to party one night every month or every two month and he/she come back at home drunk one night it's not a problem, this can happen to everyone.
For the moment I have never been drunk so much so don't remember what happened, I have always remembered what I did and I have always gone back at home conscious.
But, all of this prove that the majority of the shops allow the sell of alcohol to teenagers. I know that we can get alcohol in other ways, but if shops stop to sell alcohol to teenagers, there may be less problems because of alcohol.

Lottie's experience

An anorexic girl was suspended from a private school in case she started 'copycat' cases.

Lottie's mother said: "Without a doubt one of the main reasons Lottie wasn't allowed back to school was because she was someone who lots of people looked up to. In the head teacher's eyes, she may well have inspired copycat disorders". "She became obsessed with her weight and appearance. She would look at pictures of celebrities in magazines and on the internet and was convinced she was fat and ugly."

Lottie Twiselton, 16 years old, has spent the last two years fighting with the eating disorder- one of this years in the hospital. But, when she recover and was ready to rejoin her classmates at the Northamption High School, they told her, her inclusion "would be too disruptive".

Lottie left school to go to London in a specialist clinic after she developed that disorder at the age of 14.

When she could leave the hospital she hoped to go back to school but school said it didn't want her to return until she was well enough.
Now, Lottie is in a new school, Quinton House School, in Upton. The fact that she was rejected from her school was devastating. She said: "I was very upset about it. I almost died and without the support of my friends I would not have pulled trough". "I was completely ready to go back and be with them and just get back to normal but I was told the school weren't able to have me back. It would have given me such a boost to my progress".

Lottie's father, Robert, has also attacked the school. He said: "The school's response to Lottie coming back was pretty poor. People suffering from anorexia are encouraged to work towards a particular goal and Lottie was working towards getting back into school and to be with her friends. This was all taken away from her when the head teacher made it clear she was not welcome back. Lottie has shown remarkable courage and determination to get this point. Anorexia, particularly amongst teenage girls is not as uncommon as people think and schools need to be aware of that."
He was worried about his daughter's life.
"At its worst, we thought this might be it for Lottie. She needed to be forcibly fed through a tube and she went from a happy, healthy teenager to nothing at all. Claire and I divorced a few years ago and we have considered whether this had an impact on Lottie."

School answered: "The school responded to say that they were very keen to support Lottie’s integration but remained of the view that it would be preferable to wait until Lottie was well enough to return on a full-time basis.  The health and well being of our pupils is at the heart of everything we do... The professional view of the head and her team was that an interrupted part-time programme in a crucial year would not be in the interests of Lottie’s welfare or education. To say that Lottie was excluded is simply not true as is the assertion we were concerned about copycat issues. In school our approach is very pro-active and open in talking about and raising awareness of such issues through a variety of means including PSHCE lessons, tutorial support, extra-curricular sessions where guest speakers address the girls and parent talks/workshops, as well as having a full time nurse and the services of a school counsellor.'

I think that Lottie is very courageous. However, how the school has reacted is very sad because, Lottie recovered and school administration rejected her just to not have any problems and that's not correct.

7 March 2014

Welcome Eric!

Simon Cowell admits that he loves to be a father "I was born to be a dad...it would be cool to have two or three!"

The girlfriend of the 54-year-old star, Lauren Silverman, gave birth to their first child, a little boy called Eric, last month. He said that he always believed that he will be a good father. Eric was born on February 14 in New York.
The music mogul was reduced to tears when he saw his son for the first time.
He said: 'I actually said to Lauren beforehand, "What if I like the dogs more than him?" and she said, "You're gonna be absolutely fine," and then literally within seconds of him being born, I got it!'
The couple named their baby boy Eric, like Simon's late father and went back to England to meet Simon's mother Julie for the first time. Simon said about his mother: "I think she's told the whole village...she's really excited. I look at him, Eric, and I think of my dad all the time, so it's a really good thing".
Meanwhile, Simon said that they are thinking about having more children as he would like little Eric to have a brother or a sister to play with.
He said: "I wouldn't rule out (more children). Well, I got my dogs, and I can't imagine just one of them...I had a brother when I was younger, so I kind of thing it's cool to have two or three...two".

2 March 2014


I love tattoos. I think tattoos can define people. With tattoos you can know how that person is or, above all, you can know the style and what that person likes. Since you can define people thanks their tattoos you can do the same, you can define your style with them. Tattoos are very popular among famous people. A lot of them are popular for their tattoos, extravagant tattoos. Sometimes, they are not very beautiful because those people make them just for the attention.
Tattoos can be small,big, with colours or just black. Personally I prefer black tattoos. I think all tattoos have to have a meaning, because they will stay forever, well they are made for stay forever, now you can delete them with laser. But, if you make a tattoo it's for something. However, never, never make a tattoo of the name of a boyfriend/girlfriend, because you don't know what can happen.
Personally, I want tattoos, discreet tattoos, because tattoos are not always accepted for jobs. I want the sentence "one dream..." on the inside of my left arm. I also want a clover on the left of my hip. These are the two tattoos I want for the moment, they are discreet and they have a meaning for me. I don't know, maybe I will want to have more tattoos when I am older, maybe the name of my children or something else, why not? But always in places where they don't cause a nuisance for work.

27 February 2014

Relationship between a teacher and a student

A teacher spend a night with one of her students in his bed.

Bernadette Smith,35 years old, spent a night in a student's bed, Gary Ralston 17 years old, wearing only her jeans and her bra
She thought she became crazy, because she was obsessed with the young boy. That obsession cost the married woman her job and reputation.

Gary said that Smith was his favourite teacher. He said: "I was thinking I was quite lucky. A lot of the boys fancied her. I couldn't believe she was with me."

The mother of three was placed under supervision order. They hadn't sexual relation, that saved her from a jail sentence.

"When I started year six, Bernadette was no longer my teacher, but we'd pass each other in the corridor, say hello and smile." "I walked in and as soon as I sat down she said, "Ever since we've been back at school and I've seen you around, I've been realising I have feelings for you", he said.

They drove to a park in Falkirk, Scotland, and they had a walk, but, when they come back to the car, Smith kissed him passionately.
Gary said that he was worried for his teacher's job and family but she said he didn't have to be worried about it.
The father of the young boy was informed but the grandmother decided to call Bannockburn High School and Smith was immediately suspended.

Gary said: ‘We got ready for bed and I felt nervous. I got into bed with my boxers on. She took off her top, but kept her bra and jeans on, and slid in beside me. We cuddled and talked – nothing else happened.’
His father Richard Ralston, 42, said: ‘I wasn't pleased about what happened, but you’re an adult at 16 in Scotland so I didn't want to interfere too much. I want Gary to make decisions and learn from any mistakes.’

Prosecutor said that Smith said that she loved the boy and they both wanted to be together. She admitted kissing Gary and staying the night with him.

She was placed under a supervision for two years and will remain on the sex offenders' register also for two years. She was suspended by the General Teaching Council for Scotland and separated from her husband.

I think relations between teachers and students have a limit. Even if they hadn't sexual relations they passed this limit. The boy is considered an adult so that's good for the teacher, she doesn't have to go to the prison. However, I think authorities made good decisions.

20 February 2014

Be in a fandom

If you've read my blog or if you know me, you also know that I'm a "Directioner". Be a "Directioner" is to be a member of the fandom, of the 1D family (One Direction).
Being in this fandom is probably one of the best thing ever, because people who are in this fandom are, like me, they love the same group and they can undersatnd me better than people from school or better than my own family. Even if we don't know each other. If I have any problem I just have to connect  on twitter and I know that people will help me. I don't know how explain it, it's like if we always feel the same feelings, those feelings that  the other people don't understand.
I started to be part of this fandom, more or less, two years ago. When I was thirteen One Direction made their first song, "Whats makes you beautiful". I loved it, I spent all summer listening to it. One year after they made a new song "Live while we're young". This was the moment when I started to search for information about them and I literrally fell in love. I started to follow them on twitter. The same year, in November, they made "Little things" that was THE SONG. I became like, addicted to them. And now, I'm here. I really don't know how to explain why I love them so much, because it's a different and the best feeling and people don't know and understand this feeling.
With their songs they make me happy, with their videos they make me laugh. I know that it's practically impossible to meet them and they don't know about me but I know that, even if they aren't here with me, they and their songs will always be here for me and I will always be here to support them. With them and all the 1D family I will never be alone.

13 February 2014

The funniest friend

Her name is Esther. She's sixteen, like me, and she's Spanish. She hasn't a job because she's a student, and we're in the same high school.

She is beautiful and she is very friendly.

She's taller than me, more or less ten centimetres, and she's not fat. She has straight brown hair and light green eyes, she don't wear glasses but she has to wear contact lenses. She has thin lips and she wears braces.

She's very cheerful, easy-going and, above all, crazy. She's very emotional, I always can see if she's in a good or in a bad mood. She's also very sympathetic and honest. She has a great sense of humour.

She's a really good friend, I can talk about everything with her. We always have good moments and, above all, crazy moments. I would be lost without her.

5 February 2014

The best age

If I could return to any age it would be five years old again.
Life at five years old was so easy, we just had good moments at school with our friends. We had no homework, we could meet with friends or just watch TV or play all the afternoon. We were not stressed, like now, with exams. The only problems we had were, who won the game or if the doll was mine or yours. We had no responsabilities, we were like, free.
I would be five years old again because it was my last year in France and I enjoyed it. I was a Little sad because I left my friends but I also made new friends even if it was difficult.