13 February 2014

The funniest friend

Her name is Esther. She's sixteen, like me, and she's Spanish. She hasn't a job because she's a student, and we're in the same high school.

She is beautiful and she is very friendly.

She's taller than me, more or less ten centimetres, and she's not fat. She has straight brown hair and light green eyes, she don't wear glasses but she has to wear contact lenses. She has thin lips and she wears braces.

She's very cheerful, easy-going and, above all, crazy. She's very emotional, I always can see if she's in a good or in a bad mood. She's also very sympathetic and honest. She has a great sense of humour.

She's a really good friend, I can talk about everything with her. We always have good moments and, above all, crazy moments. I would be lost without her.

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