26 November 2013

Social webs

All teenagers are connected on internet the all day. Now, everybody has a smartphone, you can go on internet with them. Everybody is on Facebook, Instagram, and some people, on Twitter. With Facebook you can post your pictures, your post, you can chat, etc, on Facebook you're "friends" with the other people. Instagram is only for pictures and videos. You post your pictures and everybody can see them, "like" them and comment on them. You're not "friends" like on Facebook, you're followed and you follow people. On Twitter you also can post pictures but, above all, your post, they're called "tweets" little sequences of 140 characters maximum. On Twitter you also follow and you're followed. If I talk about these three social webs it's because I'm on them.
Personally I prefer Twitter, first: because a lot of people from school haven't got Twitter and I can say all I want. Because on Facebook when you say something everybody criticize you, always... You can follow people from around the world. It's very nice, you can learn some traditions of other countries. And finally you can follow famous people, your favorites singers, actors, etc.
Instagram it's very cool, too. You can watch and like pictures from all over the world.

24 November 2013

My plans for the future

Now I'm studying first of "batxillerat" in Castelló d'Empúries, in Spain. In two years, if all goes well, I can go to the university. But, for the moment, I don't know where. My parents want me to go to Girona, because it's the nearest, but I prefer to go to Barcelona. Last year, I was thinking about going to France, but I think I will have some problems, because I left France when I was 5 years old. 
My plans are; go to university, have my grade in history and be curator in a museum. But, I have a dream; to live in London. I want to live my life in England. But it's just a dream, I don't know if one day it will be real. The problem is, apart from this dream, I don't know what I can do in the future. Of course, I can be a curator in Spain or in France. But, I don't want to live in Spain, I want to leave Spain as quickly as possible. I like France, it's my native country, and if I can't live in London I want to live in Paris. But there, life is so difficult, all is so expensive. I'm lost. And if I don't get my history grade? What can I do?
But, if I'm pessimistic and I don't try I will never make this dream real, so,I will try it. I will go to university, and I will try to go to London. If I can't go to London I will try to work in Paris and,after, go in London. 

23 November 2013

"Auschwitz's librarian"

This book is about a Jewish family during the second world war. It's non-fiction, this story is real. It's similar to a biography but it's narrated like a story. I chose this book because I'm interested in world wars; how the people lived in it and the consequences.
The protagonist is Edita, a 14-year-old girl. She's considered the Auschwitz's librarian because she looked after books, the books are forbidden.
Edita's father dies because of poor hygiene. Edita and her mother survive, but they are transported to another concentration camp. There, they aren't treated well. But fortunately, Americans soldiers arrive, but Edita's mother is about to die. When her mother dies, Edita leave the camp and she goes to her friends house. There, Edita meet a boy, this boy was in Auschwitz, too. Edita and he get married some years later.
This story is real. Now Edita and her family, live in Australia. She's never returned in Germany.  
I have to tell you, it's the first time I cried reading a book. This story is so sad and extraordinary in the same time. We can read about the second world war but we can't imagine the horrible things people lived through. Also to know that some people survived it's extraordinary. The writer, Antonio G. Iturbe, can transport you in this horrible life. You can feel the feelings of the people involved.
This book, it's one of my favourite books. The story it's just wonderful. I have learned one thing with this book, if some people have survived this situation it's because they want it, so, if you really want something you have to believe in it.

16 November 2013

My evaluation about my oral presentation

I think the presentation was good. We used prezi, videos and pictures. The prezi had some sentence for help us during the presentation. I think my body language was good, too. I was looking the audience and sometimes I pointed at the digital blackboard. But, sometimes I read my notes. The ideas was in order and I used some discourse markers. I think I gave new information to my audience because they ignored the tradition of "Holi festival". I think they understood the presentation, because they haven't did any question. When we wrote the text of the presentation the grammar was correct, but when I did the oral presentation I know I did some mistakes with grammar, I was a little nervous. The vocabulary was simple, but we used new words, above all indian words. I used sentence linkers and fillers. I knew the pronunciation of my words, but my pronunciation during the presentation was really, really bad. I don't know why, it's not my first oral presentation. When I was talking I made some breaks, in the video it seems I didn't know my text. For this presentation I put the final mark of 6'5. Because, in general, the presentation was good, but I made some mistakes with grammar, I made a lot of breaks and my pronunciation was horrible.

15 November 2013

We are what we eat

In our generation a lot of teenagers are obese. Now it's like normal, but it isn't, it's frightening. A lot of teenagers eat only chips, sandwiches and, above all, fast foods like pizza or McDonalds, and also a lot of cakes. Eat a pizza or go to eat in McDonalds once in a month's not a problem, you will not be obese, but eat fast foods everyday or more than once a week it's not normal. If you have a lot of work and you eat sandwiches it's not a problem because they haven't a lot of fat, if you put vegetables in it. A healthy diet content, is minimum, five fruits and vegetables a day. You have to eat healthy, meat, fish, vegetables and cereals. For the drinks it's the same, it's not good drink just coke, you have to drink a lot of water. You also have to do exercise, minimum three times a week.
Personally I will never eat fast foods everyday, I can't. I love fruits and most vegetables, but, I also love chocolate. Finally, I'm lazy but I have to do exercise, I can't be one week without exercise: going running or going to the gym. 

14 November 2013

Village or City life?

Personally I prefer to live in cities. I'm young and, I think, it's more attractive, we can go shopping, do a lot of things. Although it's true in cities life is more dangerous and more polluted than villages. I haven't any problems with village life or people who live in villages, on the contrary, I like villages, I think they're cute. Above all in Ireland and England, they have green countryside, mountains, the sea, rivers...
I don't think I will live in a village but I love the idea of having a house there, for holidays or just for weekends.
So, I prefer to live in cities but I love village life too. In the future, well it's like a dream, I want to live in London and have a house in a little village.

12 November 2013

Can you listen to my world?

Like a lot of people, I can't live without music. Everyday, minimum once a day, I have to listen to music.I told you in my last post my favourite group is One Direction, but I don't listen just them. I like a lot of kinds of music,pop, rock, reggae, electro,etc, but I usually listen to pop. I love English singers, I don't know why, like Olly Murs, Adele, Robbie Williams, and two old groups, Rolling Stones and The Beatles. I also like the singers or Dj's that you can listen on the radio, like Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Avicii, Passenger,Bruno Mars and more.
Since forever my father has liked rock and reggae, I'm accustomed to listen to this kind of music since I was a child. I like AC/DC, Queen, Led Zeppelin, Bob Marley and another French reggae group, Massilia. When I say to the people I listen to this kind of music they look at me like as if I was strange, because they think I haven't the "look" or the "conduct" like a person that listens to rock or reggae. I think this conduct is stupid! Why a girl, like me, posh and that loves a teenage boy band, can't listen rock or reggae? Why  does society put in order and put labels to the people? It's like, if you wear black clothes you're goth. If you listen to reggae you have to smoke marijuana, NO!! Society criticizes you because you're different, I hate this, really. In this society you can't be yourself, they tell you, you have to be like the other people, I say NO, if I want to love One Direction and  AC/DC or Bob Marley I do and it's all. People haven't to say me what kind of music I have to listen to, which clothes I have to wear,it's MY LIFE, MY WORLD.

4 November 2013

Story of my life

"Story of my life" is the new single by an English boy band, One Direction. I have to tell you it's my favourite group.
The song talks about their love stories with girls but in the video they show their family memories when they were children. They tell us that relationships can end but the family will always be here. 
In the song they all have a solo, and in those solos everyone talk about his love life. I'm sure you don't know the name of the singers but I tell you now:
Liam talks about his breakup with a girl "don't feel the same about us in her bones", in the video we can see him with his parents and sisters.
Louis talks about he had to leave his girlfriend for the tour "and I'll be gone gone tonight", we can see him with his grandparents.
Niall talks about he hasn't found the right love "leave my heart open but, it stays right here in it's cage", we can see him with his brother.
Zayn talks about his engagement " I've been waiting for this time to come around", we can see him with his sister.
And Harry talks about all of the rumors in the media "stories that I can't explain", we can see him with his mother.

This is the meaning of the song. I love it because the boys express their feelings, the song is very personal and they share it with their fans. And finally you can relate to the feelings in the song.

2 November 2013

Princess' life

When I was a child I wanted to be a princess, like the other girls in the world. Now when I see Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge,it's still a dream. To be a princess it's an honor, and if I were a princess I would like to help poor people, like Lady Diana, travel all the world and, I'm a little selfish, wear beautiful clothes and above all dresses. I would also like to have a Royal wedding, it's traditional and  so beautiful.
To be part of the Royal Family, for me, it's also a dream, they're so elegant, and they live in beautiful places, like Buckingham Palace.
Lady Diana it's a good example, she was a very good princess, she was so generous,above all, with poor people in poor countries. Kate Middleton it's a good princess too, she's attentive with people and very nice.
If I were a princess for a week I would like to be like Lady Diana and Kate Middleton.
All this it's just my view about princess' life, an impossible dream.

24 October 2013

Chocolate Dress

The designer Lauren Smith from Edinburgh made a dress completely of chocolate. The designer spent two weeks to make the dress and it weighs 50kg.

Lindt, a famous brand of chocolate, worked with the designer, who won the Gradate Fashion Week Gold Award.

The dress was unveiled at Salon du Chocolat's fashion show in London. 
Lauren said: " It was such an exciting opportunity being able to create my first ever chocolate dress and work with the Lindt Master Chocolate, who is as passionate about chocolate as I am about fashion"

"I started to think of colours and what I wanted to add to the design. They wanted something that would be really feminine so I started playing around with simple shapes. They wanted something quite 
fitted too,' Lauren told to the Edinburgh News.

'I wanted to make it simple but bold so I decided to go with this A-line shape skirt and bodice.

'What I had in mind was the elegant diamond chocolate - which is the symbol of Lindt excellence - and I really wanted to use chilli and orange segments as they were some of the raw ingredients in the chocolate".

The dress it's beautiful, I love it. But I have many questions: how she had put the dress?, Is the dress very rigid?, Is it not cold?. 

Prince George of Cambridge

On 23rd of October the Prince George Alexander Louis, third in line to the throne, was baptised in the Royal Chapel at St Jame's Palace in London by the Archbishop of Canterbury.
The ceremony was private, with only the royal family, some members of the Middleton family, the seven godparents and some best friends of the Duke and the Duchess of Cambridge.
After the ceremony the royal family and the guests left the chapel for drink tea at Buckingham Palace, the Queen told to the guests how much she had enjoyed the ceremony. "It was very nice thought, wasn't it?" she told to the Archbishop.
Now we know the names of the godparents, they are Oliver Baker, Emilia Jardine-Paterson, Earl Grosvenor, Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton, Julia Samuel, William van Cutsem and Zara Tindall. Mrs Tindall is Prince William's cousin, the others godparents are all friends of the royal couple.
Prince George was baptised in a replica of the dress of Victoria, the Princess in 1841.
After the ceremony, Jason Bell a famous photographer was waiting to take a picture of the Queen, Prince Charles, Prince William and Prince George together.

I love this news because it's a traditional ceremony for the Royal family and it's beautiful and so elegant. I love the custom of the Royal baby wearing the traditional dress.

21 October 2013

The little angel of Greece

In Greece a blonde, blue-eyed girl was taken by police from a Gypsy community, all the world wants to help this little girl, called "The little Angel of Greece", and find her real parents.
Greek authorities, Interpol and Europol are trying to find the parents of Maria, the name given by the couple posing as her parents for 4 years.

This Gypsey family had 14 children in total, and they all had false birth certificates. The police are looking to see if these children belong to this family or if there is something else behind this. The girl was taken away from the couple and given to the association of “ Smile of The Child”, that care of she for until they will find her parents.

A prosecutor became suspicious when he saw the girl with very pale skin in a community of Gypsies. The authorities said, she's doing much better.The girl lived in bad conditions and poor hygiene. She was found in a state of neglect, physically and psychologically. We don't know if she was forced to work or something similar.

When the couple were questioned, they changed all the time their story about how they got the girl. Definitely, they are not her parents. They have been arrested and accused of abducting the girl and making false documents.

I have many questions, How they can steal children?, Where are the parents of the girl? Why the authorities don't find her real name and her parents? Poor child.