21 October 2013

The little angel of Greece

In Greece a blonde, blue-eyed girl was taken by police from a Gypsy community, all the world wants to help this little girl, called "The little Angel of Greece", and find her real parents.
Greek authorities, Interpol and Europol are trying to find the parents of Maria, the name given by the couple posing as her parents for 4 years.

This Gypsey family had 14 children in total, and they all had false birth certificates. The police are looking to see if these children belong to this family or if there is something else behind this. The girl was taken away from the couple and given to the association of “ Smile of The Child”, that care of she for until they will find her parents.

A prosecutor became suspicious when he saw the girl with very pale skin in a community of Gypsies. The authorities said, she's doing much better.The girl lived in bad conditions and poor hygiene. She was found in a state of neglect, physically and psychologically. We don't know if she was forced to work or something similar.

When the couple were questioned, they changed all the time their story about how they got the girl. Definitely, they are not her parents. They have been arrested and accused of abducting the girl and making false documents.

I have many questions, How they can steal children?, Where are the parents of the girl? Why the authorities don't find her real name and her parents? Poor child. 

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