10 May 2015

My English competence in 2015

Reading my posts from this year, the one that I think it's my best is: http://crazymindedteen.blogspot.com.es/2015/02/teenage-routine.html
I have chosen this one because it's really personal and when I write something about what I really like it's easier to write. There are other posts where I wrote about something personal but this one really define me.
Listening my pod casts from this year, the one I prefer is: http://crazymindedteen.blogspot.com.es/2015/02/podcast.html
In the precedent post I said that my pronunciation has improved a lot so it's quite normal that my last pod cast is the one I prefer. The topic of this pod cast was one we did in class, so the topic isn't why I chose it. I think my pronunciation in this one is better than the others that's why.


This is it, after two years of doing this blog for the English class, I'm done!
Actually, I have enjoyed doing this blog because it had helped me a lot to improve my English. Comparing my first composition with the last one I think I have improved. I can't say that I have improved a lot because I think that a the beginning of the year I already had a good level. Of course reading the posts from last year or the ones from the beginning of this year I can see a difference.
About the oral presentations, I improved more with the oral presentations than I did with the writings. Obviously I don't have a perfect pronunciation but it's better than the one from the beginning of the year. 

Formal letter to UNICEF

UNICEF Association
London, England
15th January 2015

UNICEF Association
New York, USA

Dear Mr. Lake

I am writing this letter to you to ask you if you could send more help to the English groups of UNICEF to Zimbabwe. We have some groups deployed there but they need more help and we can not send people there because they already are in others countries trying to help with the starvation. I wish I had not to ask for help but we really need more people. We do not know what to do any more, we have already done more collect journeys to collect money to buy and send medicine. Thanks to those journeys some people decided to be benevolent and go there to help, but unfortunately there are not enough. 

I am looking forward to your answer.

Yours faithfully,
Claire Stylinson. 

8 May 2015


Next 29th May I'm going to AC/DC's concert in Barcelona. You could think that I'm just okay, but I'm not. I'm totally freaking out! AC/DC! I repeat, AC/DC! I'm going to see one of the best Rock and Roll groups of all the time in concert! I'm dying inside.
My dad was the one who showed me all the Rock and Roll groups, a lot of them are those that he listened to when he was young like AC/DC, Rolling Stones, Queen,etc. So when I saw that AC/DC was going to do a concert in Barcelona I knew I has to go. My dad was okay with going, he never saw them in concert. The tickets were quite expensive but it's worth it, you never know when you'll have this opportunity again, and the group isn't really young, maybe they won't do another tour, who knows. We are going to the concert with a friend and some friends of our friend. We will go to Barcelona early in the morning so we will spend the day outside the place where the concert is and try to have good places for the concert. The concert start at 22 pm and it will end late so we decided that we will spend the night at a hotel in Barcelona.
I only can think about the fun I will have. Some people, of course people that don't like AC/DC, think that it's stupid to go because this group is old and nobody likes this kind of music. But me being me and loving this group and others I just can't wait. I can't even believe it. This group is one of the best and the members are legends! I'm just so excited!

Funfair, festival and friends

Last weekend was a "big" weekend, on Thursday and Friday we didn't have school, so we had a four-day weekend. That was great because I was able to relax a lot, more than I actually do. I didn't spend four days in bed or on the couch though, only three. 
On Thursday I went to the mall in Girona with my best friend, we spent the day there until five in the afternoon. When we came back at home we got ready to go to the festival (we call it "barraques" here) in Figueres. We went to the festival at 11 pm with another friend of us. We went to some attractions at the funfair (the funfair and the festival were near to each other) and then we met with my boyfriend and his friends there. The night was really nice, it wasn't too cold and it was really fun. We had some drinks so everyone was laughing and having a good time. We found some of our classmates there, they were quite drunk too like us.
We  decided to go back at home at four in the morning, we said goodbye to each other because that night I went to sleep at my boyfriend's house. We woke up quite early considering we went to sleep late. We literally spent the day sleeping. I went back at home on Friday evening. 
Saturday mornin I cleaned my room like every Saturday morning and then did nothing for the whole afternoon. On Sunday I spent the day in my room doing nothing productive, just sitting in my bed with my computer and phone. On Sunday afternoon my parents and sister went to the funfair with some friends so I had the house for myself. It was relaxing, because there was no noise. And of course it was still too short because next day it was Monday and nobody wants to go back at school.

Summer Vibes

This is it, summer is coming! Good weather is already here, swimming pools and gardens are being cleaned and... school is ending!
This year wasn't a good year for me at school and I'm going to repeat my last year but that's not a problem, I'm not sad, angry or anything. But I'm so happy that summer is almost here.
This summer I'm not working, my father always works and some summers my mom works too and this summer she works, so I'll stay at home and help cleaing the house more than I already do and my parents will give me more money. The good things about not working is that I will have a lot more free time and I already know what I'm going to do. The boring thing I'm going to do is the TDR, but I don't think I'm going to stress a lot beacuse I like the topic ("The Hippie movement"). So this summer I'm going to spend time with my friends, train as much as I can, try and improve my skateboarding skills and, that's something I talked with my parents and something I really want, I'll buy a guitar and learn how to play it. Of course I will enjoy my swimming pool.
The not so good thing is that next year I won't have much money as I had this year , I'll survive though.
So yeah, these are my plans for this summer.