29 September 2014

5 words about summer 2014

Work,swimming pool, family, concert and France are the five words for I chose to describe my summer.

This year during the summer holidays I didn't relax a lot like people usually do, I worked. I worked in a soap shop near to the beach, it was quite interesting because I learned things about soap and natural products. The contact with people was really nice, I talked and learned a lot about other countries. Unfortunately I hadn't a lot of time to relax so when I was at home I went to the swimming pool all the time I could.
Like every year my father's brother, my uncle, came for two weeks with my aunt, my cousins and my cousin's girlfriend. But I was working, it wasn't a big problem for me to not see them though.
At the beginning of summer I went to my favourite band's concert, One Direction, with two friends. It was incredible because just the fact to saw them and the concert was amazing. But that's not all, 5 Seconds of Summer was their support band, a group that I really like them too, and I saw them at the concert, of course, but I also had the chance to see them from one metre away at a signing. I couldn't get my CD signed unfortunately but I was so close of them and one of them saw us, my friend and I, and smiled to us. I still can't believe it, it was the best day ever.
After I finished working, my first free weekend I went to France, near to Marseille, to visit my aunt. We spend four days there, it was really nice to see my aunt and to visit Marseille and others little towns like Cassis or La Ciotat.